大家早上好,刚刚,Ro-ro cargo ship collided at around 0330 LT Mar 3. 两船均不同程度受损,丹麦客运和物流公司DFDS的PRIMULA SEAWAYS严重受损。 还有一起事故放在今天一起推送,3月1日 CMA CGM AFRICA THREE撞上Algeciras码头,幸运的是没有与吊机发生碰撞,也算是小编看到的船撞码头安全事件中损失较小的一次,如图刚好在两桥吊之间。
Container ship CMA CGM AFRICA THREE contacted container terminal berth by stern on Mar 1, either breaking off moorings, or while leaving the port of Algeciras, Spain, during passage of storm Emma. Luckily, the ship and containers on board didn’t contact cranes, damages said to be minimal.